It’s about the journey, not the destination πŸš—


βœ… Create site (done 27/6/22)
βœ… Write and publish my first post (done 27/6/22)
βœ… Publish to GitHub and deploy to GitHub pages (done 27/6/22)
βœ… Buy a domain and link it to my site (done 12/7/22)
βœ… Add favicon (done 21/7/22)
βœ… Write and publish my first content post (done 21/7/22)
βœ… Integrate Disqus comments (done 23/8/22)


βšͺ️ Add RSS feed
βšͺ️ Add Google Analytics
βšͺ️ Customise the header and footer (remove the background colour for share buttons)
βšͺ️ Fix responsive layout (increase margins)
βšͺ️ Create an About page
βšͺ️ Create a Now page
βšͺ️ Create a 404 page
βšͺ️ Add “Last edited on”
βšͺ️ Customise colour of code blocks


πŸš€ Integrate and ?
πŸš€ Build a wiki
πŸš€ Change stack to Next.js and MDX?