If you manage your Git workflow via the terminal and your terminal is Oh My Zsh , then you’re in for a treat.

Oh My Zsh has a bunch of built-in aliases for Git commands which are an absolute game-changer 🤯

gst = git status # status of your repo and changes

gapa = git add --patch # choose which changes in a file to commit
gaa = git add --all # stage all your changes

gcmsg = git commit -m # commit with a message

gco = git checkout # change to a specific branch
gcb = git checkout -b # create a new branch off the current branch and change to it at the same time

gp = git push # add your changes to the remote repo
gpsup = git push --set-upstream origin $(current_branch) # push a local branch to remote

gl = git pull # obtain the latest changes from the remote repo

gm = git merge # combine various versions of a file or folder

grhh = git reset --hard # undo all your changes

gsta = git stash push # add to your stash
gstp = git stash pop #remove from your stash

See here for the complete list of aliases.

And if you forget what an alias does, just do this which <alias> eg

> which gst
gst: aliased to git status